Greg Van Wyk GrantIf you are genuinely excited about receiving a grant to pursue higher level education and training then look no further. Greg Van Wyk is rewarding one worthy undergraduate with an amazing academic history. The recipient will receive a one-time award of $1,000 for pursuing his/her professional education...
weiterlesenKanada-Special: Online-Infotage zum Auslandsjahr 2022/23 mit 13 kanadischen SchulbezirkenSchüler*innen und Eltern, die sich jetzt, nachdem die Halbjahreszeugnisse feststehen, über ein Auslandsjahr 2022/23 in Kanada oder Down Under informieren möchten, lädt die Informationsplattform MyStudyChoice vom 8. bis 10. Februar 2022 zu sieben 30-Minuten-Online-Veranstaltungen ein. Beauftragte von 13 Schulbezirken aus ganz unterschiedlichen..
weiterlesenGreg Van Wyk ScholarshipIs it true that you are keen on acquiring a scholarship to seek after your advanced education? On the off chance that indeed, look no further. Greg Van Wyk is rush to stretch out his underlying grant to one splendid understudy with a remarkable scholastic history. For..
weiterlesenRIZWAN AHMED CPA 2022 SCHOLARSHIPApply for the Rizwan Ahmed CPA 2022 ScholarshipMr. Rizwan Ahmed CPA has recently established the Rizwan Ahmed CPA 2022. His scholarship will ease the tuition burden of one student selected based on both their application and merit. This scholarship will pave their way towards graduation, and..