Kinan Nimeh ScholarshipIs it genuine that you are excited about getting a Scholarship to seek after your high level training? In case without a doubt, look no further. Kinan Nimeh is hurry to loosen up his basic award to one astonishing understudy with a noteworthy educational history. For instance, The..
weiterlesenZorayr Manukyan ScholarshipZorayr ManukyanAbout Zorayr ManukyanDr. Manukyan Zorayr’s research interests include optimal adaptive and Bayesian designs. He has a PhD in Statistical Sciences from George Mason University (USA), an MS in Applied Mathematics from the University of Maryland, an MS in Industrial Mathematics from the Technical University of Kaiserslautern (Germany)..
weiterlesenMaxwell Drever ScholarshipHighlights of his career include one of his early 1970’s deals; the profitable transformation of 17 multi-family complexes in the Seattle area and the communities where each property sat. Also of note are his interactions with the Residential Trust Company, formed at the conclusion of the Savings and..
weiterlesenOnline-Ausbildung Übersetzer (m/w/d) in fünf Fremdsprachen: Web-Infoabend am 17.2.2022In der einjährigen Online-Ausbildung können sich Sprachtalente zum staatlich geprüften Übersetzer (m/w/d/) in fünf Fremdsprachen qualifizieren. Am Donnerstag, 17. Februar 2022 lädt die Übersetzer- und Dolmetscherschule Köln um 17.30 Uhr zum Online-Infoabend ein. Zur Wahl steht die Online-Ausbildung in fünf Fremdsprachen: Englisch,..