In einem Jahr Übersetzer (m/w/d) werden im Online-Kurs: Infoabend im Web am 10.3.2022In einem Jahr können sich Sprachtalente im Online-Kurs zum staatlich geprüften Übersetzer (m/w/d/) in fünf Fremdsprachen qualifizieren. Am Donnerstag, 10. März 2022 lädt die Übersetzer- und Dolmetscherschule Köln um 17.30 Uhr zum Web-Infoabend ein. Zur Wahl steht die..
weiterlesenThe Natural Posture Scholarship ProgramWe are thrilled to announce our first-ever The Natural Posture scholarship for students who strive for excellence and outstanding performance.We, at The Natural Posture, made it our mission to help you with your body alignment to help achieve a better natural posture and thus relieve pain..
weiterlesenMaxwell Drever GrantFor nearly fifty years, Maxwell Drever has been one of the nations leading Impact Real estate investors. To date, He and his companies have been responsible for the repurposing of well over 45,000 Multi-Family apartments. In the process, Maxwell has revitalized dozens of distressed communities, From the tens..
weiterlesenFitMyCar 1000 Dollar Industrial Designers ScholarshipUni $1,000 Study ScholarshipApplications now open."Design an essential car accessory of the not-so-distant future (5-10 years)"The purpose of this scholarship program is to provide financial assistance to an industrial design/similar university or college student in the amount of $1000 to help pay for tuition, books,..