William Schantz GrantGUIDELINES1. Eligibility • Must attend an accredited US-Based university • Must possess an excellent academic record. • Must demonstrate the ability to lead.Application deadline: August 1st, 2022Award announcement: August 15th, 2022Award amount: $1000.00Results will be posted on https://williamschantzgrant.com/2. Required Information • First name/Last name • Contact/telephone number • ..
weiterlesenWilliam Schantz ScholarshipWilliam Schantz is an exceptional individual, always keeping in mind that the world is a fragile place. Bill knows that one of the most valuable parts of our eco-system is the young people of this world – especially those who seek to make their way through the educational..
weiterlesenAbout Jonah Engler Scholarship 2023Jonah Engler has an enjoying and love for magnanimity and helpful drives; so he provides to the with some much needed help of unfortunate understudies in the US, who can’t manage the cost of the great training expense in the US schools and colleges.The Jonah Engler..
weiterlesenAbout Jonah Engler Grant Program 2023Jonah Engler has an appreciating and love for unselfishness and accommodating drives; so he gives to the some genuinely necessary assistance of lamentable students in the US, who can’t deal with the expense of the incredible preparation cost in the US schools and universities.This Grant..