
Ask Preeto Scholarship

Ask Preeto ScholarshipWe at are committed to helping students achieve their academic dreams. The Ask Preeto Scholarship is available to US-based students who demonstrate financial need. Eligible students will receive a $1000 scholarship that can be used towards tuition, room and board, also for other education-related expenses.Ask Preeto Scholarship:..


MyWifeQuitHerJob Scholarship

My Wife Quit Her Job ScholarshipAt, we are dedicated to teaching entrepreneurship to the masses.We celebrate students who strive for excellence, and we are proud to launch our first scholarship for an outstanding university student.This scholarship will be open to both undergrad and graduate students who are attending an..


Whittel & Melton Magna Carta Scholarship

Whittel & Melton Magna Carta ScholarshipThe law firm of Whittel & Melton is donating a $1,215 college scholarship to commemorate the signing of the Magna Carta.The iconic Magna Carta was signed in 1215 in England as a way to make peace between an unpopular King and a group of barons...


Brooklyn Injury Attorneys, P.C. Scholarship

 BROOKLYN INJURY ATTORNEYS P.C.$500 SCHOLARSHIP ESSAY COMPETITION – 2022Brooklyn construction accident lawyers are known for getting the best settlement for their construction accident clients. We want to help the next generation of Brooklyn construction accident lawyers fund their education by providing a yearly $500 scholarship. Our Scholarship is based on..
