
Mark R. Graham Scholarship

Mark R. Graham ScholarshipThe Mark R. Graham Scholarship is a comprehensive program that aims to provide financial assistance to students who are pursuing higher education. Our goal is to support and encourage these students as they work towards their academic and professional goals. The scholarship is open to full-time students..


Ask Preeto Scholarship

ASK PREETO SCHOLARSHIP 2023Realizing academic dreams is what drives us at, that’s why we offer the Scholarship to US-based students in need of assistance towards educational expenses!Those who meet the criteria and apply can receive a $750/- award for tuition costs, room & board bills or other related costs..


Karrieretag Familienunternehmen – Termine für das Jahr 2023

3.000 Karrierechancen bei über 50 Firmen an einem TagDie Recruiting- und Kontaktmesse Deutschlands führender FamilienunternehmenFür Absolventen, Young Professionals und Professionals (m/w/d) aller Fachrichtungen.Familienunternehmen machen 95 % der Unternehmen in Deutschland aus und stellen 60 % der Arbeitsplätze. Das Karriereumfeld in Familienunternehmen ist gekennzeichnet durch nachhaltiges Wirtschaften, eine positive Arbeitsatmosphäre und..


Mann Lake Beekeeping Scholarship

Mann Lake Beekeeping ScholarshipWe are pleased to announce Mann Lake’s scholarship for college students who aspire to be outstanding and extraordinary. We are looking for academically excellent students who are in pursuit of better education and currently/about to be enrolled in any apiology program, major in agriculture & environmental sciences,..
