
FitMyCar Next Generation Scholarship Opportunity

FitMyCar Next Generation Scholarship OpportunityThe purpose of this scholarship program is to provide financial assistance to an outstanding university or college student in the amount of $1000 to help pay for tuition, books, computers, accommodations, and any other educational expenses.The COVID-19 pandemic has affected both the outlooks and future prospects..


4.1. Online-Ausbildung staatlich geprüfter Übersetzer in fünf Sprachen: Web-Infoabend am 13. Januar

Online-Ausbildung staatlich geprüfter Übersetzer in fünf Sprachen: Web-Infoabend am 13. Januar Alle, die staatlich geprüfter Übersetzer in einer einjährigen Online-Ausbildung werden möchten, lädt die Übersetzer- und Dolmetscherschule zum Web-Infoabend ein. Die Informationsveranstaltung findet statt am 13. Januar 2021 um 17.30 Uhr auf der Online-Plattform der Schule. Der Einstieg in die..


Artsybucket Scholarship Program

Artsybucket Scholarship Program, canvas prints, as well as, .The ArtsybucketScholarship program is a simple, one-time financial assistance or a cashprizeof $750 for the most brilliant, creative, and deserving student, who can takethe best photograph. The topic of the photo scholarship is,“Communicating through photography theconcept of freedom related to our lives.”Requirements..


John Spach Scholarship

John Spach ScholarshipThe prestigious John Spach Scholarship is a highly-acclaimed and recognized fellowship awarded by John Spach, the CEO at Safe Companies, LLC, a reputed Cleaning and Consulting firm for maintaining health and safety, based at Thousand Oaks, California, United States. The John Spach Scholarship is a noted scholarship that..
