

Are you passionate about Machine Learning and eager to develop cutting-edge AI solutions that shape the future of Munich Re and the insurance industry? Do you thrive on learning and tackling new technical challenges in a business context? If so, this internship is perfect for you!

The Data and Analytics division (DAA1) is Munich Re's hub for data, analytics, and AI-driven innovation. DAA1 leverages big data, advanced analytics, and artificial intelligence to drive decision-making and enhance operational efficiency. Within DAA1, the Artificial Intelligence department focuses on developing and deploying AI technologies across Munich Re's operations, including machine learning, natural language processing, predictive analytics, and AI-driven automation to optimize decision-making, customer experiences, and risk management. We collaborate closely with other business units, providing AI expertise, tools, and support.

  • Join our AI department as an intern, supporting our highly motivated and ambitious teams. Contribute hands-on to the development and continuous improvement of our internal AI products and platforms. Collaborate closely with our team of AI experts and stakeholders throughout Munich Re's reinsurance business.
  • Depending on your individual experience and preferences, you'll be embedded in one of our project teams with various focus areas. Your day-to-day activities may include system and requirements design, code implementation, testing and continuous integration, infrastructure and deployment, user research, evaluation and analytics, data curation, technology consulting, or integration of cutting-edge academic research.

  • Master's studies (or final year of Bachelor's studies) with a strong academic record in a quantitative field like Computer Science, Data Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Engineering, or a related discipline
  • Excellent communication and organization skills; highly motivated with a hands-on mentality.
  • Demonstrated programming experience in python and first experiences with DevOps best-practices (e.g. Git, unit testing).
  • A strong foundation, both in theory and practice, in one or more of the following areas: Deep Learning (e.g. neural network architectures and training techniques, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision), Machine Learning Operations (e.g. evaluation and monitoring of machine learning systems regarding performance, fairness, trustworthiness, concept drift, …), and/or Large Language Models and Generative AI (e.g. prompt engineering and orchestration, RAG techniques, agentic workflows, fine-tuning, evaluation, and/or deployment of foundation models).
  • Additional experience in related areas such as business analytics, web and app development (especially backend engineering), cloud computing platforms, containerization technologies, CI/CD, or other data science and engineering fields is a plus.
  • You are available for an internship duration of 6 months or longer. If desired, part-time work can be arranged after an initial full-time period of at least 3 months. Please note that this is an on-site role at our Munich offices. Limited remote work will be possible depending on project needs.

Students from countries outside the EU require a German residence-/work permit.

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