

Sich etwas Neues trauen, über sich hinauswachsen und dabei die Grenzen des Machbaren neu definieren. Genau das ist es, was unsere Mitarbeitenden täglich leben dürfen und sollen. Um mit unseren Innovationen das Tempo vorzugeben und Großartiges zu ermöglichen. Denn hinter jedem erfolgreichen Unternehmen stehen eine ganze Menge faszinierender Menschen.
Die Mitarbeitenden von ZEISS arbeiten in einem offenen und modernen Umfeld mit zahlreichen Entwicklungs- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten.Unsere Kultur ist geprägt von Expertenwissen und Teamgeist. All das wird getragen durch die besondere Eigentümerstruktur und das langfristige Ziel der Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung:Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft gemeinsam voranzubringen.

Heute wagen. Morgen begeistern.

Vielfalt ist ein Teil von ZEISS. Wir freuen uns unabhängig von Geschlecht, Nationalität, ethnischer und sozialer Herkunft, Religion, Weltanschauung, Behinderung, Alter sowie sexueller Orientierung und Identität auf Ihre Bewerbung.

Jetzt bewerben! In weniger als 10 Minuten.

  • report and analyze relevant key figures, such as Topline, costs, EBITA, Cash Flow and CapEx, as well as educated interpretation of deviations and trends

  • execute planning and financial controlling cycles (Strategy, medium-term planning, Budget, Forecast), at different aggregation levels (Legal Entity, Profit Center, Business Sector, Strategic Business Unit); coordinate with sales units and affiliated companies

  • close cooperation with business partners in the yearly Strategy rounds and generation of respective set of Financials

  • closely work with business functions (Sales, R&D, Operations) to develop individual budgets and tracking mechanisms and provide insights into profitability views; support in the setup and evaluation of Business Cases

  • establish KPIs and reporting mechanisms that can be updated on a real time basis to evidence effectiveness and the progress being made by business functions. Implement effective corrective measures, in case of significant deviations

  • steer Cash Flow management

  • execute and coordinate monthly, quarterly and year-end closing activities and annual audits; touchpoint towards external and internal auditors

  • perform financial Due Diligence, and PMI (post-merger integration) activities

  • provide forward-looking predictions and estimates, trend analysis and scenario building, and translate these into comprehensive graphical views

  • continuously develop processes, methods and internal controls, and integrate these into the existing financial systems and policies, while assuring appropriate risk management (in compliance with the company´s framework)

  • active role in executing finance and controlling projects

  • support in the development of digital Business Models

  • master's degree in Finance, Accounting, Controlling or related field; a Postgraduation, MBA, and/or CPA is highly preferred

  • at least 5 years of progressively responsible experience in finance and controlling functions

  • good knowledge of SAP (FI/CO) and Corporate Reporting tools (e.g: HFM)

  • very good command of MS Office (Advanced Excel, Powerpoint) and collaborative tools (Teams,KANBAN), ideally PowerBI or Data Analytics experience

  • easiness in navigating through relevant metrics and KPIs such as EBITA, Market Contribution, EVA, Cash-Flow, TWF, also consolidated views

  • ideally knowledge of Due Diligence processes, M&A activities, Post-Merger Integration (PMI)

  • fluent German and business English

  • extensive communication skillset; strong collaboration and facilitation skills

  • project management skills

  • ability to switch between different work settings and audiences, flexibility and intercultural sensitivity

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