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We seek a motivated and talented intern or Master's thesis student to work on a research project focused on exploring the potential of deep learning-based methods for microscopy. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to implement and evaluate DL-based methods and collaborate with a team of experts in the field. This is a unique chance to gain hands-on experience in cutting-edge research and contribute to the development of advanced microscopy techniques. Your role:
  • Familiarize yourself with state-of-the-art deep learning-based methods for microscopy

  • Implement DL-based and analytical methods for microscopy

  • Evaluate methods with benchmark datasets

  • Possibly conduct real-data validation

  • Collaborate with the team to achieve project goals and deliverables

  • Communicate project progress and results to mentors and team members

  • Document the study results

  • Master's degree student in computer science, bio-engineering or related fields

  • Strong background in machine learning or related fields

  • Experience with deep learning frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch)

  • Experience with image processing (OpenCV, Open3D)

  • Familiarity with microscopy is a plus

  • Excellent problem-solving skills

  • Detail-oriented and able to work in a team

  • Self-motivated and independent working style with a passion for exploring complex and innovative topics

  • Good written and oral communication skills in English

  • Motivated, curious, and eager to learn

  • Available to work for at least six months (internship or Master's thesis)

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