
Bosch Gruppe


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Die grow platform GmbH freut sich auf Ihre Bewerbung!

Anstellungsart: Unbefristet
Arbeitszeit: Vollzeit
Arbeitsort: Ludwigsburg

copperdot is a new business at Bosch providing a fully outsourced and cost optimized supply chain that rethinks procurement. By eliminating complexity and accelerating turnaround times for purchasing high quality PCBs and electronic components. Copperdot is the new global hub for PCB procurement and electronics redistribution.
As a Quality Manager at copperdot, you will play a pivotal role in ensuring that our products/services meet and exceed industry standards and customer expectations. You will lead the development and implementation of robust quality management systems, processes, and procedures. You will be responsible for managing the entire quality assurance lifecycle, from product development through to delivery, with a keen focus on continuous improvement.

  • Take responsibility: You are responsible for quality assurance and claim handling as a member of an international team. You take care to maintain our quality management system and make sure to comply with mandatory requirements.
  • Implement holistically: You are coordinating quality related activities to support our sales team towards customer and continuous update our processes and procedures to stay complaint to all the requirements.
  • Observe with foresight: You are coordinating and implementing necessary activities self-driven to exceed customer expectation and keep quality management system state of the art.
  • Perform reliably: You achieve and exceed assigned targets through adherence to products, processes, and regulatory requirements.
  • Live cooperation: You are an interface to customer key accounts and internal stakeholders as part of an international team. You are open to support also in other areas of our business.
  • Coordinate conscientiously: You are role model to live the quality first principal with a business-driven approach in copperdot.

  • Education: You have a degree in quality management, mechanical engineering or a comparable technical education.
  • Experience and Know-how: You have worked in the area of quality management several years. You are familiar with Bosch quality guidelines and corporate directives. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills. Knowledge in PCB area is beneficial.
  • Working practice: You have a highly motivated, goal-oriented and business driven working style. You work independently and at the same time you are a very good team player.
  • Personality: You have a high degree of communication skills and an entrepreneurial mindset.
  • Enthusiasm: You enjoy working in an interdisciplinary team with a high level of personal responsibility.
  • Languages: You have business fluent German and English skills.

  • Work-Life-Balance: Flexibles Arbeiten hinsichtlich Zeit, Ort und Arbeitsmodell.
  • Gesundheit und Sport: Breites Angebot an Gesundheits- und Sportaktivitaeten.
  • Kinderbetreuung: Vermittlungsservice fuer Kinderbetreuungsangebote.
  • Mitarbeiterrabatte: Verguenstigungen fuer Mitarbeiter.
  • Freiraum fuer Kreativitaet: Freiraeume fuer kreatives Arbeiten.
  • Betriebliche Sozialberatung und Pflege: Sozialberatung und Vermittlungsservice fuer Pflegedienstleistungen.

Die zukuenftige Personalabteilung oder der Fachbereich informiert gerne ueber den individuellen Leistungskatalog.

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