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Bosch Gruppe


Möchten Sie Ihre Ideen in nutzbringende und sinnvolle Technologien verwandeln? Ob im Bereich Mobility Solutions, Consumer Goods, Industrial Technology oder Energy and Building Technology - mit uns verbessern Sie die Lebensqualität der Menschen auf der ganzen Welt. Willkommen bei Bosch.

Die Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH freut sich auf Ihre Bewerbung!

Anstellungsart: Unbefristet
Arbeitszeit: Vollzeit
Arbeitsort: Immenstaad am Bodensee

  • Competitive Landscape Analysis: You conduct thorough research to identify and analyze key competitors in the field of building technologies and automation. Additionally, you monitor competitor activities, product launches, and market positions to stay informed about industry developments.
  • Benchmarking: You are responsible for evaluating our products and solutions against industry standards to identify areas for improvement and innovation. You analyze competitors' offerings, pricing strategies, and feature sets to support product development and marketing strategies. This role requires a hands-on approach, involving not just strategic planning but also the execution of specific tasks.
  • Market Trends and Information: You keep abreast of market trends, emerging technologies, and regulatory changes in the field of building technologies and automation. You provide regular reports and updates to internal stakeholders on industry developments as well as potential opportunities or threats.
  • Collaboration: Working closely with interdisciplinary teams, including product development, marketing, and sales, you align strategies with market demands and competitive positioning.
  • SWOT Analysis: You are responsible for conducting SWOT analyses to identify our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in comparison to industry standards.

  • Education: Successfully completed Master's degree in Business Administration, Engineering, or a comparable qualification.
  • Experience and Knowledge: Proven experience in competitive analysis, benchmarking, or market research within the building technology or automation industry. Strategic thinking and the ability to translate market insights into actionable recommendations. Strong analytical skills and proficiency in data analysis tools.
  • Personality and Work Practice: Strong team and goal orientation. Persuasive abilities and networking skills, with excellent communication capabilities in interdisciplinary and diverse teams. Outstanding negotiation skills with the ability to clearly and convincingly present results and insights. Excellent analytical and conceptual presentation skills. Furthermore, entrepreneurial and strategic thinking combined with an agile approach.
  • Languages: Excellent German and English skills, both written and spoken, to successfully communicate and present in both languages.

  • Work-Life-Balance: Flexibles Arbeiten hinsichtlich Zeit, Ort und Arbeitsmodell.
  • Gesundheit und Sport: Breites Angebot an Gesundheits- und Sportaktivitaeten.
  • Kinderbetreuung: Vermittlungsservice fuer Kinderbetreuungsangebote.
  • Mitarbeiterrabatte: Verguenstigungen fuer Mitarbeiter.
  • Freiraum fuer Kreativitaet: Freiraeume fuer kreatives Arbeiten.
  • Betriebliche Sozialberatung und Pflege: Sozialberatung und Vermittlungsservice fuer Pflegedienstleistungen.

Die zukuenftige Personalabteilung oder der Fachbereich informiert gerne ueber den individuellen Leistungskatalog.

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