
Mercedes - Benz AG

Life is always about becoming… Im Leben geht es darum, sich auf eine Reise zu begeben, um die beste Version unseres zukünftigen Selbst zu werden. Während wir Neues entdecken, stellen wir uns Herausforderungen, meistern sie und wachsen über uns hinaus.

Bewerben Sie sich bei Mercedes-Benz und finden Sie den Aufgabenbereich, in dem Sie Ihre Talente individuell entfalten können. Dabei werden Sie von visionären Kolleginnen und Kollegen unterstützt, die Ihren Pioniergeist teilen. Bei uns einzusteigen bedeutet, Teil eines globalen Teams zu werden, dessen Ziel es ist, die begehrenswertesten Automobile der Welt zu bauen. Together for excellence.

Stellennummer: MER00038D6

In the ‘Telecommunications Modules and Antennas' department, the mobile communications platforms and antennas for the connected vehicles of tomorrow are developed.

The ‘Antenna Components & Integration' team focuses on the development and integration of antennas for various systems, such as mobile radio, navigation, satellite radio, remote keyless entry, remote parking, auxiliary heating, RFID and electronic toll collection. Another focus is on antennas and amplifiers for broadcasting services.

The work extends from concept development to the awarding of contracts to suppliers, development with suppliers and universities, testing, introduction into production, documentation and quality assurance.

We offer you:

  • An interesting and wide-ranging job
  • Insights into vehicle development in the Mercedes-Benz cars division
  • Independent and autonomous work with flexible working hours in our Sindelfingen development centre or in the home office.

Your tasks include

  • Preparation of measurement samples and measurement vehicles
  • Antenna measurements on the vehicle
  • Measurements of radion frequency (RF) components such as antenna amplifiers and filters in the laboratory
  • Participation in measurement drives
  • Summarising measurement results in project reports/presentations
  • Collaboration in the creation of specifications
  • Collaboration on series development projects with suppliers
  • Prototype parts management
  • Parts documentation in co-operation with RD-India and RD-China

Parallel to or following the student work placement, there is also the opportunity to complete an internship or a university thesis in the same subject area.

  • Bachelor's or Master's degree:
    • Electrical Engineering, Communications Engineering or a comparable degree programme. Specialisation in radio frequency technology with associated measurement technology would be desirable
  • Language skills:
    • German or English spoken and written
  • IT skills:
    • Confident handling of MS Office
    • Basic knowledge of MATLAB, MS-Visio, simulation system FEKO or CST and CAD system Siemens NX or comparable would be desirable but not mandatory
  • Personal skills:
    • Enjoy working independently, strong teamwork and communication skills, high level of creativity

Additional information:

It doesn't work completely without formalities. When sending your online application, please attach your CV, certificate of enrollment, current performance record, relevant certificates, if applicable proof of mandatory internship and the standard period of study (max. 5 MB) and mark your application documents as "relevant for this application" in the online form.

Please find the criteria of employment "here".

Citizens of countries outside the European Trade Union please send, if applicable, your residence / work permit.

We particularly welcome online applications from candidates with disabilities or similar impairments in direct response to this job advertisement. If you have any questions, you can contact the local disability officer once you have submitted your application form, who will gladly assist you in the onward application process: [email protected].

Please understand that we no longer accept paper applications and that there is no right to get your documents returned.

If you have any questions regarding the application process, please contact HR Services by e-mail at [email protected] or by phone: 0711/17-99000 (Monday to Friday between 10 a.m. to 12 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.).

  • Essens­zulagen
  • Mit­arbeiter­handy möglich
  • Mit­arbeiter­rabatte möglich
  • Mit­arbeiter­beteili­gung möglich
  • Mit­arbeiter Events
  • Coaching
  • Flexible Arbeits­zeit möglich
  • Hybrides Arbeiten möglich
  • Gesund­heits­maß­nahmen
  • Betrieb­liche Alters­ver­sorgung
  • Mobilitäts­angebote
  • Barriere­frei­heit
  • Gute An­bindung
  • Park­platz
  • Kinder­betreuung
  • Betriebs­arzt
  • Kantine, Café
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