

  • Bremen
  • Post Date: 10. Juni 2024

Innovative ideas are the hallmark of our successes and move us on. We are passionate about realizing wind energy projects across the globe and meeting tomorrow's energy technology challenges. You and your engagement can make a contribution to shape the future of renewable energies.

ENERCON has been one of the technology leaders in the wind power sector for 40 years. As the first manufacturer of wind turbines, the company used a gearless drive concept that is a characteristic of all ENERCON wind turbines. ENERCON is also at the forefront in other areas, such as rotor blade design, control technology and grid connection technology, and with its wide range of technological new developments proves its innovative strength time and again.

For our Energy Partners Team, we are looking for a Junior Portfolio Manager (m/f/d).

The job is located in Bremen, but we are able to offer state-of-the-art hybrid work arrangements tailored to candidates' personal circumstances.

  • Mid- and long-term mar­ke­ting of renewable energy assets (pri­ma­rily wind) for power and green cer­ti­fi­cate posi­tions ac­cor­ding to risk policy
  • Modelling and se­lec­tion of suita­ble, project-specific hed­ging stra­te­gies and risk policies
  • Quantitative as well as qualitative analysis of wholesale power and cer­ti­fi­cate markets, balancing and an­cil­lary services
  • Involvement in trading and ne­go­ti­a­ting ac­ti­vi­ties for power and green certificates
  • Awareness and con­ti­nuous moni­to­ring of the political and re­gu­la­tory frame­work for energy and renewables in particular
  • Mid and back office support ac­ti­vi­ties for the ETRM system and invoicing

  • Uni­ver­sity De­gree in elec­tri­cal / mecha­ni­cal en­gi­nee­ring, energy eco­no­mics or com­mer­cial and busi­ness studies
  • Basic know­ledge in power whole­sale and green cer­ti­fi­cates markets
  • Strong ana­ly­ti­cal, com­mu­ni­ca­tion and net­wor­king skills
  • Good abilities in MS Office, especially Excel; familiarity with Python and Power BI advantageous
  • Business fluency in English and at least one more lan­guage
  • Flexi­ble, self-starting and highly mo­ti­va­ted team player

  • Mo­bile wor­king of up to 95% (homeoffice)
  • Fle­xi­ble wor­king hours through ap­pro­pri­ate wor­king time mo­dels
  • 30 va­ca­tion days per year
  • In­ter­nal and ex­ter­nal trai­nings via the ENER­CON Aca­de­my
  • Com­pa­ny health ma­na­ge­ment and ex­ten­sive health pro­mo­ti­on, in­clu­ding com­pa­ny fit­ness (Han­se­fit) and Job­Rad
  • Com­pa­ny pen­sion scheme and pri­va­te oc­cu­pa­tio­nal dis­abi­li­ty in­su­ran­ce on spe­cial con­di­tions
  • Fi­nan­cial sup­port for va­ri­ous forms of ca­pi­tal-for­ming be­ne­fits
  • Ex­ci­ting and va­ried ac­ti­vi­ties in the green growth sec­tor of wind ener­gy

Find out more about your individual benefits – your future human resources department will be happy to help.

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