Zerspanungsmechaniker/-in (m/w/d) für die Bereiche Fräsen und Drehen

Mercedes Pay GmbH

Life is always about becoming… Im Leben geht es darum, sich auf eine Reise zu begeben, um die beste Version unseres zukünftigen Selbst zu werden. Während wir Neues entdecken, stellen wir uns Herausforderungen, meistern sie und wachsen über uns hinaus.

Bewerben Sie sich bei Mercedes-Benz und finden Sie den Aufgabenbereich, in dem Sie Ihre Talente individuell entfalten können. Dabei werden Sie von visionären Kolleginnen und Kollegen unterstützt, die Ihren Pioniergeist teilen. Bei uns einzusteigen bedeutet, Teil eines globalen Teams zu werden, dessen Ziel es ist, die begehrenswertesten Automobile der Welt zu bauen. Together for excellence.

Stellennummer: MER00038WM


Mercedes pay GmbH is a wholly owned subsidiary of Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG. Mercedes pay plays a fundamental part in the mobility and digitalisation strategy of Mercedes-Benz Group AG. We operate the central payment processing platform and act as the competence centre for payments at Mercedes-Benz.

Mercedes pay launched in its first market in September 2018. We are now active in more than 40 countries on five continents, processing transactions for Mercedes-Benz products and services. Depending on the market, Mercedes pay may process transactions from Mercedes me connect store, the Mercedes me app, in-car payments or even supporting online vehicle sales.


Pay directly from the car: Mercedes pay supports, among other things, in-car payments as well as payment processing via app and in the web shop.

We want customers' contact with Mercedes pay and the payment transactions on the global platform to be as seamless as possible. We are also developing exciting new payment products and solutions to provide customers with an even better user and payment experience.


  • You will contribute to Mercedes pay's vision, strategy and objectives
  • You will promote the development of the payment product in terms of usability, quality and functionality
  • You will align the business requirements with the stakeholders and translate them into epics and user stories, including API specifications
  • You will steer our external provider, interact with the delivery team and discuss the impact of architectural changes
  • You will actively participate in sprint planning and delivery following the Scrum approach
  • You collaborate with a global cross-functional team to develop, market and launch our payment product globally
  • Together with your fellow product owners you will shape Mercedes pay's product portfolio and ensure the system landscape is well aligned


  • You have successfully completed your studies in the field of business adiminstration, IT or have completed an equivalent course of study.
  • You have gained 3-5 years professional experience in the field of e-commerce, payment service provider,
    credit card companies or other players in the payment or financial services industry
  • You are passionate about the concept of innovative payment solutions
  • You gained several years of professional experience as product manager/ product owner, ideally in the payment industry
  • You are familiar with payment solutions and technical payment service provider integrations
  • You are able to discuss business and technical requirements with software delivery teams and are able to asses and challenge their solutions and concepts
  • You have the ability to develop a 360° view of a product from a customer, business, market, legal and technical perspective
  • You have fluent business English skills (spoken and written). German skills are appreciated, but not necessarily required
  • You enjoy working in a team, showing initiative and introducing new ideas


  • Modern and dynamic work environment
  • Flexible and mobile working
  • Attractive fitness offer
  • Numerous employee discounts
  • Excellent infrastructure

This is a full-time job (also suitable for part-time). We particularly welcome applications from disabled persons. Please apply online via www.group.mercedes-benz.com/careers (ID: MER00038WM). For questions, please don't hesitate to contact the HR Team of Mercedes pay GmbH: [email protected].

  • Essens­zulagen
  • Mit­arbeiter­handy möglich
  • Mit­arbeiter­rabatte möglich
  • Mit­arbeiter­beteili­gung möglich
  • Coaching
  • Flexible Arbeits­zeit möglich
  • Mit­arbeiter Events
  • Gesund­heits­maß­nahmen
  • Betrieb­liche Alters­ver­sorgung
  • Hybrides Arbeiten möglich
  • Lebens­langes Lernen
  • Betriebs­arzt
  • Barriere­frei­heit
  • Gute An­bindung
  • Park­platz
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