Internship in Team Vehicle Data Collection – Setting up resource monitoring for an in-car-app via cloud starting July 2024

Mercedes - Benz AG

Life is always about becoming… Im Leben geht es darum, sich auf eine Reise zu begeben, um die beste Version unseres zukünftigen Selbst zu werden. Während wir Neues entdecken, stellen wir uns Herausforderungen, meistern sie und wachsen über uns hinaus.

Bewerben Sie sich bei Mercedes-Benz und finden Sie den Aufgabenbereich, in dem Sie Ihre Talente individuell entfalten können. Dabei werden Sie von visionären Kolleginnen und Kollegen unterstützt, die Ihren Pioniergeist teilen. Bei uns einzusteigen bedeutet, Teil eines globalen Teams zu werden, dessen Ziel es ist, die begehrenswertesten Automobile der Welt zu bauen. Together for excellence.

Stellennummer: MER00036L7

In Mercedes-Benz Cars Research & Development, we are shaping the future of the automotive industry. By that, we mean innovative products of the highest quality and efficient development processes. Already today, we are working on vehicles that will secure Mercedes-Benz's technological leadership in the future. As part of the strategic MB.OS (Mercedes-Benz Operating System), we are developing the next generation of the data collection platform, which will be used in almost all Mercedes-Benz model series in the future.

Here, we are looking for students who seek opportunities for personal development and interesting, diverse, and challenging tasks in an international environment. Become part of our team and contribute your ideas for the innovations of tomorrow!

During the internship, you will tackle the challenges of

  • Collecting resource metric for an in-car-application.
  • Understanding the job running on the application.
  • Correlating the job parameters to collected resource KPIs.
  • Automating the process of report collection.

In particular, these challenges are waiting for you:

  • Familiarize yourself with the existing data collector and infotainment system architecture
  • Come up with the concept how to realize the approach for the automatic generation in the existing and future system
  • Implement a proof of concept
  • Evaluate and test the approach on the real infotainment HW or vehicles in scope of data collection team test activities

  • Must-haves:
  • Willingness to learn and experiment with new technologies
  • Part of a computer science university program or a comparable field of study
  • Fluent English language skills in both written and spoken form.

Nice to have knowledge/skills:

  • Background in networking and computer science
  • Basic practical and theoretical knowledge in operating systems (especially in Unix-like systems like Linux)
  • Basic knowledge of compiler design and parsing theory
  • Practical knowledge of C/C++ and some scripting language (e.g. Python)
  • Basic understanding and experience with embedded systems

Additional information:

It doesn't work completely without formalities. When sending your online application, please attach your CV, certificate of enrollment, current performance record, relevant certificates, if applicable proof of mandatory internship and the standard period of study (max. 5 MB) and mark your application documents as "relevant for this application" in the online form.

Please find the criteria of employment "here".

Citizens of countries outside the European Trade Union please send, if applicable, your residence / work permit.

We particularly welcome online applications from candidates with disabilities or similar impairments in direct response to this job advertisement. If you have any questions, you can contact the local disability officer once you have submitted your application form, who will gladly assist you in the onward application process: [email protected]

Please understand that we no longer accept paper applications and that there is no right to get your documents returned.

If you have any questions regarding the application process, please contact HR Services by e-mail at [email protected] or by phone: 0711/17-99000 (Monday to Friday between 10 a.m. to 12 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.).

  • Essens­zulagen
  • Mit­arbeiter­handy möglich
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  • Flexible Arbeits­zeit möglich
  • Hybrides Arbeiten möglich
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  • Betrieb­liche Alters­ver­sorgung
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