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We are looking for an intern to join our team and assist with building a developer portal based on Azure API Management (APIM). The primary focus of this project will be to develop a comprehensive developer portal that includes documentation for integrating with our core ordering platform. Responsibilities:
  • Work with the development team to design and build a developer portal using Azure APIM

  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to gather requirements and design an intuitive and user-friendly portal

  • Develop comprehensive documentation and guidelines for integrating with our core ordering platform

  • Ensure that the developer portal is secure, scalable, and maintainable

  • Continuously monitor and optimize the performance of the developer portal

Currently pursuing a degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Business Informatics or a related field

  • Experience with Azure APIM or other API management platforms is a plus

  • Strong understanding of software development principles and best practices

  • Ability to work collaboratively with cross-functional teams

  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills

  • Detail-oriented with a passion for delivering high-quality work

  • Self-motivated and able to work independently

  • Interested in an exciting internship with a duration of 5 to 6 months

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