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Universität Passau

  • Post Date: 16. September 2024
Job Description
Call for proposals of the University of Passau Thesis starter grant for doctoral candidates Application deadline: 15 October 2024 Earliest funding start date: 1 February 2025 The University of Passau considers excellent support for its young academics to be an important building block for excellence in research and teaching. In order to financially support their transition to a promising doctoral phase, the University awards thesis starter grants to particularly qualified graduates. Thesis starter grants are used to obtain funding for commencing a doctoral project at the University of Passau. Specifically, they are intended to enable the recipient to prepare an exposition/funding proposal for use in applications sent to donor organisations or when applying for a third-party-funded position.Beschäftigungsverhältnis ist vorgesehen. Duration of the funding Thesis starter grants come with a contract as a doctoral research assistant amounting to 30% of the regular working hours. In the case of funding, the contract is concluded for six months. Depending on your qualifications, you will be placed in salary group 12 or 13 of the TV-L. Who can apply? Students with above-average marks who are in the final phase of a degree programme that will qualify them for doctoral study (the graduation date must be on or before 31 March 2025) who are planning to study for a doctorate at the University of Passau. Recent graduates (the graduation date must be on or after 31 March 2024) with an above-average final grade who are planning to study for a doctorate at the University of Passau. You are not eligible for funding if you are employed at the University of Passau during the intended funding period. Funding can only begin once all exams and other assessments for the prior degree programme have been completed. A deferred start is possible in justified cases but must be within twelve months of completion of your prior degree programme. Selection criteria: Applicant's academic qualification and performance, proven in particular by outstanding academic achievements as well as prizes or other awards gained during their degree studies Scientific quality and clarity of the applicant's envisioned doctoral project Comprehensibility of the applicant's personal motivation for gaining the doctorate and how it will benefit their future career plans Required supporting documents: The completed Thesis Starter Grant Application Form Certificates of all university degrees obtained or proof of previous study and examination achievements if the certificate is not yet available at the time of application Applicant's curriculum vitae Letter of acceptance from the designated doctoral supervisor at the University of Passau All documents must be received by the Graduate Centre by 15 October 2024 : The applicant must submit the application form and all required supporting documents electronically/upload. The designated doctoral supervisor must send the supervision acceptance letter either by e-mail to [email protected] or in paper-based form to: Universität Passau, Graduiertenzentrum, Nikolastr. 12, 94032 Passau, Germany. For a detailed step-by-step guide to the application process visit: . The University of Passau has set itself the goal of increasing the proportion of women in academia, improving the compatibility of work and family life in higher education and fostering a sustainable, family-sensitive culture. Therefore, the University expressly encourages women and applicants with children to apply. Furthermore, persons who are registered disabled are given preference over non-disabled applicants who do not otherwise have statutory preferential status if their overall personal aptitudes, skills and qualifications are equal. If you have a specific question on the starter grant, please check our frequently asked questions. Of course, you're welcome to get in touch with the Graduate Centre staff if your question isn't answered on our website. For further questions please contact Beata Haidn at [email protected] . The general terms and conditions, as set out in the guidelines of the University of Passau on the granting of thesis starter grants, apply. Please visit for our data privacy policy. View More