IT Specialist (m/f/d)

Job Description

The Moth­er­son Group is one of the 21 larg­est and fast­est grow­ing full sys­tem so­lu­tions pro­viders to the glob­al au­to­m­o­tive in­dustry, serv­ing mul­ti­ple other in­dus­tries such as rolling stock, aerospace, med­i­cal, IT, and lo­gis­tics with over 180,000 em­ploy­ees across 41 coun­tries world­wide. Moth­er­son SAS is part of the In­te­grat­ed As­sem­blies Di­vi­sion of the Moth­er­son Group, spe­cial­izing in mod­ule just-in-se­quence as­sem­bly, sup­ply chain man­age­ment, sys­tem in­te­gra­tion and com­plex­i­ty man­age­ment. Moth­er­son SAS is pre­sent in 12 coun­tries in the Amer­i­cas, Eu­rope, and Asia with 24 lo­ca­tions. Giv­en our fast growth, we are con­stant­ly look­ing for tal­ent­ed new col­leagues to be­come part of our team.


Senior Accountant (m/f/d)

  • Reconciling of tax accounts (VAT / CIT / other taxes)
  • Ensuring monthly repor­ting (tax estimates and postings)
  • Supporting the quar­terly and annual audit
  • Reporting to tax autho­rities
  • Reporting to the local national bank or statistical departments
  • Local GAAP adjust­ments
  • Account recon­ciliations and balance sheet reviews

  • Degree in accounting or equi­valent
  • At least 4 years of professional expe­rience in accounting
  • Knowledge and experience in prob­lem solving methodology
  • Fluent in German and English
  • International mind­set
  • Strong written and verbal communi­cation skills

  • Flexible working hours and working time models (mobile working)
  • Modern workplace with laptop, 2 QHD monitors and height-adjustable desks
  • International environment
  • Canteen
  • Parking
  • Medical service
  • Family service
  • Tram connection
  • Snack bar
  • Employee events
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