University of Tuscia – PhD Program


Project Description

The educational project of the doctoral course in Change: Policies, Rights, Security is structured according to a completely interdisciplinary logic through two main scientific macro-areas: the socio-political area and the legal-institutional one. A third disciplinary component refers to linguistic and competence skills – also aimed at improving scientific and professional English language proficiency – considered as enabling and transversal with respect to the complex doctoral education. The educational project is divided into a series of interdisciplinary teaching modules – designed and exclusively delivered for the doctoral course – in which socio-political, legal-institutional, and linguistic knowledge are called upon to confront each other. Each module focuses on a profile related to the social change processes that are affecting the post-and the complex challenges they are posing to the 21st century, its political and legal institutions, work, and devices of security in terms of public order and social security.


Course objectives

The educational path offered by the doctoral course in Change: Policies, Rights, Security aims at interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary study and research – in socio-political, legal, and linguistic areas – that can contribute to the formation of professionals capable of reading the social change processes that are affecting the 21st century. The systemic shock determined, in terms of policies, rights, and social insecurity, by the spread of the pandemic, must indeed be read in a broad analysis perspective that can relate the perception of risk and uncertainties to long-term trajectories that were being outlined as an effect of social change and its relative impact on new social contexts and individual conditions in the short term. This rupture, in the late 20th century, of the social equilibria painstakingly constructed in the first part of the 20th century, opened systemic crises that, on a macrosocial level, affected institutions, organizations, and intermediate structures of society, but also invested daily spaces of meso- and micro-social, forcing individuals to a constant and expensive process of redefinition of their role in social interactions. The objective of the doctoral program is to train professionals who can contribute with their interdisciplinary and multidimensional research to the understanding of these changes and to the recomposition of social equilibria, also through projects that can contribute to public governance, the production system, cultural offerings, and security. The doctoral course in Change: Policies, Rights, Security aims to participate in the reconstruction of an expert, complex, and multidisciplinary knowledge that can fuel present and future government policies and guide the process of regeneration of social systems and individual logics, making available to institutions, civil society, and stakeholders who act locally, nationally, and globally, the necessary knowledge, tools, and methodologies to address the challenges they pose, in terms of security (including social security), and the multiple crises of our present time: economic crises, environmental crises, health crises, geopolitical crises, technological crises, humanitarian crises, but also crises of social interactions and relationships.

The course aims to provide participants with solid methodological and merit tools suitable for both continuing research in academic, public, and private settings, as well as for strengthening the public administration that must face these changes in policy and normative choices.

The PhD program is based on the idea of productive discussion and active collaboration with public and private entities on themes related to social and institutional transformation, with particular reference to security in its various forms. The program aims to support this approach throughout the years. The research topics, with a dimension not limited to the national level, will allow the doctoral students to build a productive series of interactions with external research centers, particularly in Europe, in order to contribute to the development of innovative choices within the European research space, also thanks to the international relevance of the research conducted by members of the college, some of whom are professors at foreign universities.



Coordinatore del progetto: Prof. Alessandro Sterpa – Università degli Studi dellaTuscia – ([email protected]) – Phone  39 334 3827983

Curriculum vitae essenziale

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