Jim DePalma Grant
The Jim DePalma Grant is a $1000 essay competition for college and university students. The grant aims to provide financial assistance to students and encourage them in their academic pursuits. Eligible students must write an essay on a specific topic and meet the word count requirements. The grant is open to students in various academic disciplines and is a great opportunity for students to showcase their writing skills.

1.Who Qualifies
- Must attend an accredited US-Based university
- Must possess an excellent academic record.
- Must demonstrate the ability to lead.
2.Required Information
- First Name/Last Name
- Contact/Telephone Number
- Mailing Address/Email address
- High School Graduation Date
- The Accredited University you attend, or plan to attend
- Current GPA
- An essay addressing one of the questions noted in section three:
3.Essay question
Describe a time in your life when you felt that you were treated unfairly. How did it affect you and how were you able to get past whatever it was?
Application Deadline
June 15th, 2023
Award Announcement
June 20th, 2023
Award Amount
– see more at: https://jimdepalmagrant.com