Maxwell Drever Grant
For nearly fifty years, Maxwell Drever has been one of the nations leading Impact Real estate investors. To date, He and his companies have been responsible for the repurposing of well over 45,000 Multi-Family apartments. In the process, Maxwell has revitalized dozens of distressed communities,
From the tens of thousands who have built better lives for themselves and their families while living on Drever properties, to the thousands who have invested with him over the decades (earning returns on investments substantially above the norm), Maxwell Drever’s career has been a testament to his favorite saying; “doing well by Doing Good”.
Of the many sectors where he has left his imprint, it is Workforce Housing that has benefited the most. Among the first to perfect the art of delivering resort-like dwellings to those on the lower end of the earnings spectrum, Mr. Drever’s strategies have been widely imitated. This fact pleases him no end, as complexes repurposed by other developers have simply increased the inventory of desperately needed attractive living spaces for those who cannot afford more.
Much has been written about Maxwell through the years. And many of these stories have been published in major media outlets such as Reuters, WSJ, Forbes, Bloomberg and more. These articles tell more than the story of a man who has to date managed well over $3 billion in deal volume.
It all began when Maxwell moved to the San Francisco Bay Area in the 1960’s. After forming his first investor group, he purchased, renovated and sub-divided an old broken down apartment in Sausalito. For his efforts, Maxwell and his group earned a return of 400% on their investment. He achieved his first great success in responsible real estate investing in Seattle during the early 1970’s. His conversion of seventeen apartment complexes situated in troubled areas into safe attractive spaces for individuals and families with workforce incomes made big waves in the press. and created a template he used time and again over the next 30 years. In the 1980’s, Maxwell was one of the Resolution Trust Companies major buyers of distressed multi family real estate. And in the 1990’s, he emerged as the city of Houston’s premier landlord.
Maxwell spent his college years at the university of Illinois. He credits this time of his life as key, knowing full well that so much that has gone right in his life would not have been possible had he not graduated an illini.
The Maxwell Drever Grant has been established to help one student lower the burden of overwhelmingly high tuition costs, to graduate, and to have the same opportunities that Maxwell saw so clearly so many years ago.
Along with the Maxwell Drever Scholarship, and other initiatives soon to follow, Maxwell is determined to make a difference, and provide deserving students with the same opportunities that he had growing up.
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