If you are genuinely excited about receiving a grant to pursue higher level education and training then look no further. Greg Van Wyk is rewarding one worthy undergraduate with an amazing academic history. The recipient will receive a one-time award of $1,000 for pursuing his/her professional education. Interested parties should apply for the Greg Van Wyk Grant, and continue to their educational and professional objectives and goals.
The Greg Van Wyk Grant site sends a warm hello to committed undergraduates hoping to reduce the cost of what can be intimidating and overwhelming tuitions. The Grant is a critical resource for any student pursuing an education.
Eligibility for Applicants:Must be citizens or legal residents of the USA.
Must be admitted and studying at any accredited/recognized/registered public or private university/school in the US.
Deadline:Applications must be receive by Dec 14, 2022.
Application ProcedureFirstly, All applicants must submit a high-quality and original essay base on the topic:
“What was the best advice someone has ever given to you and describe the impact it had in your life.”
The following details must accompany the essay:
Full name of the applicant
Mailing address
Email address
Phone number
Name of accredited public or private US based university
Scheduled date of graduation
Current GPA
After that, Essay must be submitted along with details noted above via MSWord to [email protected]
The winner of the Greg Van Wyk Grant will be declare on 23rd Dec 2022 at gregvanwykgrant.com
In addition, the winning applicant will be informed via email issued by the office of Greg.
Finally, Winner will need to confirm receipt of the email intimation and acceptance of the grant to enable the funding of the grant.
– see more at: https://gregvanwykgrant.com/