SarahBeth Hartlage is an authority in the healthcare industry and a trusted expert in her field.In 2020, SarahBeth Hartlage founded the SarahBeth Hartlage Scholarship program in order to assist students in achieving their career goals. She is firmbeliever in the value of a higher education, and works to ensure that finances do not stand in the way of achieving one.
TheSarahBeth HartlageScholarship is a $1000 award that is both need and merit based. Therecipient will be selected based off a 800 word max essay on the following subject:
“How are women changing the healthcare sector?”
The SarahBeth Hartlage Scholarship applicants will be reviewed and chosen by SarahBeth Hartlage. The recipient of the SarahBeth Hartlage scholarship will be notified via email on April 15, 2021. The name of the winner will be displayed on
All application materials must be submitted via word doc to [email protected]
Please also submit the following information:
– see more at: