Monthly Archives: January 2020

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IV INTERNATIONAL PIANO COMPETITION "CITY OF VIGO", 5th to 9th April, Vigo, SpainDear pianists, the international piano competition ¨City of..

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Tagung zum Thema "Gibt…

Tagung zum Thema "Gibt es eine angemessene Aufsicht für Wissenschaftseinrichtungen?"Die Tagung greift ein (klassisches) Thema auf, das aktuell durch verschiedene..

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Kanada beliebt beim Schüleraustausch:…

Kanada und British Columbia besonders beliebt beim Schüleraustausch: Geld sparen beim selbst organisierten Auslandsjahr Kanada gehört zu den Top-Ländern beim Schüleraustausch...

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30 Concours International Paper…

30th INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION PAPER DE MÚSICA DE CAPELLADESAimThe International Competition Paper de Música de Capellades was conceived to promote the..

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Jobg8 Summit San Diego…

Jobg8 Summit San Diego 2020, June 25-26We're excited to announce that the Jobg8 Summit is coming to San Diego on..

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Beth DeBouvre Scholarship

Beth DeBouvre Scholarship Beth Ann DeBouvre Overview:Beth DeBouvre has recently established the Beth DeBouvre Scholarship. The scholarship will help one..

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Rick Sayegh MD Scholarship

Rick Sayegh MD ScholarshipRick Sayegh is happy to announce his annual scholarship dedicated to college students that need some help..

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Marc Mitchell Ravenscroft Scholarship

Marc Mitchell Ravenscroft Scholarship Overview:The Marc Mitchell Ravenscroft Scholarship has been created to help one student defray the high cost..

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Adam Veron Scholarship

Adam Veron Scholarship Overview:Adam Veron understands that education is one of the most important elements of future career success. With..

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3rd International Conference Cryogenics…

3rd International Conference onCRYOGENICS and REFRIGERATION TECHNOLOGIESBucharest May 27 - 30, 2020Cryogenics in medicine, biotechnology and industrial technology”Early Registration at ICCRT 2020   discounted fee until 15th of March 2020We..

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