The English Language Program (ELP) prepares students for academic study in the United States
Program Benefits
- During ELP levels 5 and 6, qualified participants can take university courses with American students for academic credit at no additional cost.
- Completing ELP fulfills CSUSB’s English language admission requirements (level 5 is required for undergraduate degrees, and level 6 for most graduate degrees).
- Students can enroll in GRE class
How to Apply
You can apply online by using our link at the top. You can also apply by mail or fax by downloading and printing the Application form.
- Complete the application form. Be sure to indicate the appropriate program.
- Bank or Financial statement with a minimum of $9,060.
- Copy of passport.
- $120 application fee: credit card, check, or money order (Payable to CSUSB).
- Applicants to Graduate Preparation-Level Six, must attach official TOEFL scores results.
Mail completed application materials along with the application fee to:
International Extension Programs
College of Extended Learning
California State University, San Bernardino
5500 University Parkway, Room SH-134
San Bernardino, CA 92407-2393 U.S.A.
Fax: (909) 537-7020