Lawrence Technological University believes training adultsin various workplace skills and other technological areas to build on theirprofessional resume is essential to supporting businesses and industries. Weaim to enrich the talent pipeline of qualified professionals to tackle thecareers of the future.
As an employer, do you want to offer more professionaldevelopment opportunities that can support your company’s goals as well asenhance the talents of your employees? We can help you accomplish this onsiteat your workplace, virtually, or on the campus of Lawrence TechnologicalUniversity.
For 90 years LTU has provided education that stays true toour motto of “theory and practice,” which remains so viable today.
Close partnerships with industry to help create the nextgeneration of technological innovators and qualified professionals has been ourtradition since our inception. Lawrence Technological University is thecreative university of the future and one of only 13 technological,comprehensive, private universities in the U.S.; out of 6000 institutions ofhigher learning. We look forward to working together to enhance thecapabilities of the 21st century workforce. Call us, let’s start today!
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