Aron Govil Grant

Aron Govil Grant

Aron Govil has started this generous grant of $1,000 for the most talented and deserving applicant.
Please Note the Aron Govil Grant Eligibility Requirements

Fill in accurately the necessary details and then send your application and the essay via email at [email protected]
for final selection of the winner of the Aron Govil Grant.

The grant candidate may be a high school senior scholar currently registered in a reputed and accredited college, institution, or university.
The applicant may be a freshman, sophomore, or junior registered in a standard and accredited university or college.
The candidate must remember to submit the essay along with all necessary details to Aron Govil via email at [email protected]

Essay Topic

” Where do you see yourself 10 years from now? “

Aron Govil Grant Instructions

Deadline: 30th-Nov-2021

Aron Govil Grant Winner Announcement: 15th-Nov-2021

A formal email will be sent to the winner of the Aron Govil Grant and the results will be announced on 15th-Nov-2021 at You must remember to attach the essay to your email.

How to Apply

First Name/Last Name

Contact Number

Mailing Address

Email Address

Scholar at a Registered or Accredited Institute

Graduation (YYYY.MM.DD)

The accredited or registered institute, college, and university that you are now enrolled at

Your Current GPA:

Selection Procedure of the Aron Govil Grant Winner

The selection process of Aron Govil Grant is going to be pretty strict even though the application process is quite simple and hassle-free. Equal weightage would be given to your academic record and quality and originality of your essay. Once the winner has been selected, an official email would be sent to the lucky winner. The winning candidate must revert at the earliest to claim the grant amount of 1,000 USD. Once the winner acknowledges the email, the prize money of 1,000 USD would be sent to his legitimate ccount details at the earliest possible.

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