Opportunity to Pursue MPhil/PhD Programmes at Lingnan University, Hong Kong (withAttractive Scholarships)
Lingnan is Hong Kong’s liberal arts university, whose small size, top international faculty and strongemphasis on close staff and student relationships offer a unique environment for the pursuit ofadvanced studies in this vibrant and energetic city. The University offers MPhil and PhD programmesin Arts, Business, Science and Social Sciences disciplines. As well as having a strong internationalfaculty in all the areas it covers, close and supportive thesis supervisor is ensured by student-centredlearning, which is one of its core values. At Lingnan, students establish close peer-type workingrelationships with academics in their departmental homes.
We offer 25 popular and excellent research-based MPhil and PhD programmes. Both of theseprogrammes lead to in-depth study in specific research areas as follows:
Business (research areas include: Accounting, Decision Sciences, Finance, Information SystemsManagement, Insurance, International Business, Management, Marketing, and OperationsManagement)
Cultural Studies
Environmental Science (MPhil programme only)History
Political Science
Sociology and/or Social PolicyTranslation
Visual Studies
To offer more diversified learning opportunities, especially for interdisciplinary research studies,Lingnan has been actively seeking collaborative opportunities with overseas universities. In the 2021-22, the University has launched the “Double PhD Degree Programme in Economics with WuhanUniversity, China” and “PhD Programmes offer Joint-Supervision with Shenzhen University, China”in the research areas related to International Relations and Development Studies. More collaborativeprogrammes are currently in the pipeline.
Applicants may seek admission to our PhD programmes in two ways as follows:
Outstanding applicants may seek admission via the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme(HKPFS) by 1 December 2021 (Hong Kong Time 12:00 noon). Fellowship awardees will beprovided with a Fellowship with a monthly stipend of HK$26,900*, and will be waived the fulltuition fee for his/her first year of study. Students who apply for and do not get the Fellowshipcan still be considered for the regular PhD places at Lingnan.
Applicants may also apply to the University directly~ from 1 November 2021 to 21 January2022. Normally, full-time PhD students will be awarded Postgraduate Studentships. In 2021-22,the full monthly stipend is HK$18,090*#, which will be raised to HK$18,440*# afterconfirmation of candidature.
We also have popular research-based 2-year MPhil programmes. Applicants may apply for admissionto our MPhil programmes directly from 1 November 2021 to 21 January 2022. Full-time MPhilstudents will normally be awarded Postgraduate Studentships. In 2021-22, the full monthly stipend isHK$17,830*#.
For more details regarding application methods and requirements, please visit our website atwww.LN.edu.hk/sgs/docs/pgrad. Should you have any queries, you are most welcome to contact theSchool of Graduate Studies (tel.: (852) 2616 8720; email: [email protected]).
*Amounts subject to annual review
~Applications for collaborative programmes with overseas universities can also be made to the Universitydirectly. Details can be referred to www.LN.edu.hk/sgs/docs/pgrad/coll_prog.php.
#The University may also award a partial studentship which is a fraction of the amount for a full studentshipto students.