A $1,000 Scholarship For Those Affected By Life-Changing Accidents
The Certa Law Personal Injury & Wrongful Death Scholarship is an award for any current or soon-to-be undergrad who has had their life altered due to a bodily injury from an automotive or pedestrian accident, be it their own injury, that of a loved one, or an influential individual. The Certa Law Scholarship has a brief submission process, and applicants will be judged on their ability to convey the lasting effect an accident has had on their life.
Students applying must submit an essay where you explain, present, inspire, or otherwise convince us as to why you deserve to win this scholarship. There are no conditions or requirements for this essay. Please keep submissions to 5 paragraphs and 600 words at the absolute maximum. This is not a standardized test. While spelling, punctuation, and general cohesiveness will make your essay easier to read, and therefore judge, you are not being graded. The winning submission will be one that clearly conveys a non-fictional story of your life before and after an auto accident.
Accident-Injuries can be life-changing. At the Certa Law Group, we believe in keeping the public safe by bringing first-hand experience to those who haven’t had it, as well as easing the stress of accident-injury victims as they enter one of the most important phases of their lives.
The deadline to apply for this scholarship is December 15th of each year.
– see more at: https://www.certalaw.com/certa-law-personal-injury-wrongful-death-scholarship