Beth Debouvre has succeeded to become an accomplished entrepreneur and has founded the popular Beth DeBouvre Scholarship program. She is quite firm when it comes to her commitment to help young, aspiring, and talented students who have mammoth challenges, as they do not hail from affluent backgrounds.
Whenit comes to Beth Debouvre Scholarship, it’s nothing but a performance-based and merit-oriented financialaid program to come to the assistance of the most talented and intelligentstudents with a flair for writing. The winner of this esteemed scholarshipaward must write a persuasive, engaging, and informative essay on the topic, “Things Women Entrepreneurs Do to Take ModernDigital Marketing Industry to the Next Level’. Beth Debouvre is aware of the challenges the students face, who arenot so financially stable, as the expenses related to higher education inAmerica is exorbitant and beyond the reach of the middle-class.
Beth DeBouvre
Beth Debouvre has founded the amazing scholarship award to help poor students accomplishtheir educational aspirations and shine in today’s competitive market. Sheoffers this fantastic scholarship as a gift-aid constituting $1,000, which is asole payment for the most deserving student to pay for his or her higher educationfee in a college or university. BethDebouvre is known for her helping and compassionate attitude, dedicated tooffering financial aid to the most genius student.
Youneed to fulfill some particular requirements when you apply for the Beth Debouvre Scholarship, provided you are a talented and mostdeserving candidate for the same.
Thestudent should be in a high school or college, which is affiliated to aUS-ascribed or recognized university or college.
Thedeserving applicant must be a sophomore, freshman, as well as a juniorregistered presently at an accredited college or university.
The Beth Debouvre Scholarshipmustnecessitate candidates to write and submit an essay on the topic; “Things Women Entrepreneurs Do to TakeModern Digital Marketing Industry to the Next Level”.
Instructions Related to “Beth Debouvre” Scholarship
The Beth Debouvre Scholarship would beoffered to a student according to the evaluation of the essays submitted sentto Beth Debouvre.
Amount:The winning candidate would become eligible for a prize award of $1,000.
Deadline:April 1, 2021
- Theessay submission, as well as the applications for the Beth DebouvreScholarship,will continue until April1, 2021.
- Thewinner shall be informed through email on April 15, 2021.
- Thename of the prize money winner would show up on
Application Process
Thecandidate should submit his or her application that includes the essay throughemail with a simple text or Word document being attached to the email at [email protected].
Provide the following details
FirstName/Last Name
Dateof Graduation (YYYY.MM.DD)
Thecollege or university you joined as well as accepted or contemplating to join
Thecandidate’s current GPA
Choosing the Final Winner
Meritand performance are the two key parameters to become eligible for applying forthe scholarship. The deserving student will go through an evaluation processaccording to the essay written. The final winner will get a notificationthrough email on April 15, 2021. The scholarship money will be sent to theparticular candidate’s bank account.
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