The pathology of melanoma: an international course – January 2020, Paris, France
International Course on the Pathology of Melanoma in Paris:
Following the success of our Courses in 2017 and 2018, the objective of the Third International Melanoma Pathology Course in 2020 will be to update cutting-edge knowledge and approaches to difficult melanocytes lesions relevant to practicing pathologists and clinicians. The latest venue will make use of the expertise of the WHO 4th Edition Classifi cation of Melanocytic Tumours, the International Melanoma Pathology Study Group, and, for the fi rst time, the MPath Melanoma Pathology Study database.
A new unique aspect of the Course will be the online access and review of digitized images from extensively-characterized and annotated cases constituting the MPath study set. This special study set has been reviewed by the MPath Pathology Panel (Prs. Barnhill, Elder, and Piepkorn), and a large diverse group of pathologists. This unique material from the MPath study set will permit comparison of the Course participant’s evaluation with that of both the MPath Pathology Panel and a large group of pathologists. These MPath images will be reviewed in advance of the Course and discussed in detailed interactive sessions during the Course.